How to avoid problems with AdBlue systems

The limit on the quantity of hazardous pollutants that diesel cars may emit has improved considerably in recent years. The new market standard calls for a nitrogen oxide emissions reduction of up to 67 percent from diesel engine motor vehicles. Selective catalytic reduction is one of the recommended techniques for reducing harmful exhaust gases. The extensive use of AdBlue exhaust fluid is now required. This solution is used to break down nitrogen oxide in the exhaust gas, resulting in less harmful compounds being released from your car’s engine. While they are important, there are various problems that may arise from the use of AdBlue. Take the time to understand it so you can maximise the efficiency of this fluid and minimize the harmful environmental effect while driving your car.

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Common AdBlue Problems

AdBlue is a substance used to reduce emissions from diesel engines. It has been in use for many years, and most modern diesel engines require it. However, there are several problems with AdBlue that have caused some people to seek alternatives. In this blog post, we will discuss the problems with AdBlue and suggest some possible solutions.

AdBlue in Fuel Tank

If you accidentally pour AdBlue into your fuel tank, the most crucial thing you can do is not start the engine. Diesel and AdBlue should never be mixed; however, if it’s too late for that precautionary step, then following this suggestion is paramount.

In the case that you put AdBlue in the tank and start the engine, this can harm the engine severely. As a result, you could end up spending a significant amount of money to repair the entire engine. Never ever take your automobile to a repair shop. Allow them to come to you if you fill the AdBlue tank. This can cause the fluid in the tank to be circulated throughout the fuel system, which might damage some metals.

Spilled AdBlue

Although it’s not a common occurrence, AdBlue spills on your vehicle engine could happen. If this does occur, clean the spill immediately with either a specialised kit or towel. It’s important to also clean any other surfaces that encountered the fluid to prevent crystallisation. The use of AdBlue may cause metal corrosion due to the presence of ammonia. Because it is capable of damaging other automobile components if left unchecked, you should not allow spills to dry on their own. Wearing gloves is also recommended when handling AdBlue. Although this liquid isn’t harmful, wearing gloves can help prevent any skin irritations.

Contaminated AdBlue

How can you tell if the AdBlue is tainted? When your use of AdBlue increases, you will know. It might also cause difficulties with the selective catalytic reduction system to work properly.

The worst-case scenario is that the engine completely shuts down. To avoid any potential contamination, get into the habit of regularly testing and monitoring the purity of your AdBlue tank with a digital refractometer. The AdBlue concentration should stay within the range of 32 to 37%.

When performing maintenance on your automobile, be sure to clean the tank cap area for AdBlue. Any potential irritants that enter the tank will be removed in this manner. It is also suggested that you keep a specific container for AdBlue. Even if you clean the container well, AdBlue can become contaminated if it’s stored in a similar container for other fluids.By taking this one simple step, you can avoid having to remove AdBlue unnecessary.

Adding Water Instead of AdBlue

Accidental use of water instead of the fluid to fill your tank is another common AdBlue problem. This is also true when you accidentally put water in the fluid tank, just as adding AdBlue to your petrol tank might have dangerous consequences.

If water gets into the AdBlue injector, it can block the system. Water causes a negative chemical reaction to the catalyst that makes up the Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system. If left unchecked, any of these issues could cause engine failure. Water usage immediately before your engine’s damage can significantly raise your vehicle’s fuel consumption. It might also result in several emission concerns for your car.

Contact a professional immediately if you believe you mistakenly added water to your AdBlue tank. They will be able to drain the water from the tank. Otherwise, you risk causing serious damage that will be costly to repair.

Solutions to AdBlue Problems

The best way to keep your vehicle from having any common Adblue issues is by handling it properly. This means regularly reviewing the manufacturer’s instructions on how to use and store it correctly, so that the fluid won’t degrade in quality. Doing this will allow you get optimal performance out of AdBlue.

Other solutions include using an additive that prevents AdBlue from freezing. Another solution is to use a different type of injector that is less likely to be clogged by AdBlue. Finally, some people have found that using a higher quality AdBlue can help to prevent these problems.

If you are having problems with AdBlue, we suggest that you try one of these solutions. If you still have problems, we recommend that you consult a mechanic or other expert who can help you find the cause of the problem and fix it.

What happens if I run out of AdBlue?

When your car’s tank is completely depleted of AdBlue, it will provide you an advanced notice. This generally happens around the time of 1500 miles, when an amber warning light will appear on the dashboard. When the warning light appears and the AdBlue tank runs out, the engine’s power and performance will be reduced to prevent emissions. You will be unable to restart the engine before the tank empties, so fill up as soon as possible.

If you would rather, you can delete the AdBlue system from your machine. We dont Remap the engine control unit’s memory, we will supply you a small box to fit on the machine, some are plug and play but some machines may require a electronic component to be soldered into place.

While modifying your vehicle isn’t a crime, AdBlue delete services are for off-road use only. If you drive your car without AdBlue on public roads, you could be prosecuted.

The best way to dispose of a large amount of expired Adblue is by taking it to an authorised waste disposal site. You can find these locations throughout the nation easily by either contacting your local council or searching online.

The Adblue warning light will still come on when the engine is switched on, and it will pass an MOT because the only test is whether the Adblue warning light illuminates and goes out when the engine is started. It will.